March 23, 2008

5 days before aw

Actually I have not been in good conditionduring the past couples of days, a series of things disturbed me: AW exam, thethings I should prepare for go to Beijing next week, overwhelming homeworkand tasks from the association of school of management. I’m afraid I would be completelydestroyed by them! I know the most important thing I confront right now is theexam which will significantly affect my application- but I just cannot focus onstudy itself.

To make me fall asleep easily, I bought abottle of wine tonight from supermarket downstairs-just one min before itclosed. Hope it will be useful. I didn’t sleep well from couples of weeks ago.Perhaps I have too much things to worry about, or lose confidence towardsmyself, cyclically. 

Lots of friends come to comfort me and tellme that everything will go well and u can do it. I know it’s the frustration thatI supposed to conquer, since it’s the way I’d like to choose and really want toinsist on. This Monday, I suddenly want to reschedule location of AW from Beijing to Wuhan-I didn’t well prepare for it as I realized. I called the test center, but I wastold that I already missed the deadline of rescheduling. How depressed I was! Nowis OK for me. Although I can’t change things already happened, I can changewhat’s going to happen in the near future.

Come on, Monica!

Ps:1>I’m addicting to the song “when therewas me and u” recently......

   2>forgive me that majority of my recent journals are in English....

March 16, 2008



1.  info session的时候跟joe聊天,无意中把AC说成了AV,于是遭到其强烈BSduration长达一周..结果昨天又在众人面前鬼使神差地把AW说成了AV。。我的形象这下子是完了。。

2.  G过生日,收到了一大堆的礼物:加菲猫的娃娃、熊猫烧香的娃娃、巧克力、英文单词书、还有我跟ugly送的花。看着大G满脸桃花的样子,然后YY什么时候能像他那样子收到一大坨捧都捧不下的花。

3.  AW进展缓慢,继续便秘写作路线。准备这个星期把提纲都给列一遍,再好好啃下几篇范文——虽然这个是我上上上个星期遗留下的任务了。

4.  买了一双7厘米的高跟鞋,崴了N次,还差点被卡住,发现我还真的没有穿高跟鞋的潜质啊!现在只偶尔穿来进行短距离的行程。

5.  发现最近的口头禅变成了“你有病吧?!”“cuo人” == 我现在果然是被@ random groups污染得不行了。。

6.  myaiesec.net把自己的EP Formon hold了。self-match果然很high啊,权限真大。

7.  加入了海峡两岸研习营,很复杂的心情啊~

8.  准备月底去北京的行程。。火车票,住宿,踩考点,游北京,还有去RIC凑热闹。。

9.  还没能注册。所以我现在还是处于0405级之间的尴尬状态。原因归结为财务处的系统一直没更新,学校部门的办事效率真是够低的。


March 12, 2008



It’s more than 2 months since I was back toChina.Now everything goes well, even though new environment with so many new facescame into my life. I indeed appreciate people who helped me a lot, both @ersand non-@ers.

Couples of days ago, when I was checking myemail as usually, the email came from Aneta dropped in to my eyes-“hey, dear!How r u? R u alive? All of us miss u a lot!” So sweet! And the Romania girl,Ariana, also left me massage via facebook. She has told me her current issuesabout the application for B-school in US. It’s so great that she already receiveda lot of good news and was waiting for the offer from her dream school! I am sojealous….

Group AC of @ WH (@ HUST to be exact now…..)was held on last Sunday, I strongly feel that I belong to this organization andI do sincerely love it! When I joined the leader track of WinCo 2007, AIESEC Poland,I learned that there are three standards to measure the success of @LC: thequantity of EP, the quality of internship (expectation and feedback), thequantity of EP who still engage in @ daily work after internship. As I look atmyself, and I keep on ask me why I am still involving in this organization withhuge enthusiasm? What @ brought to me is not only the international traineeshipopportunity, but also broader points of view, expended understanding of multi-cultures,and friends who induced me lessons from which I will benefits through all mylife.