November 17, 2010
About Changes
November 11, 2010
The Art of Embracing Change
The Art of Embracing Change
by Nadia Ballas-Ruta
that survives, nor the most intelligent,
but the one most responsive to change.”
~ Charles Darwin
1. Nothing Lasts Forever
2. Wisdom Is Earned
3. Learn To Let Go
4. Change Always Leads To Good
In Conclusion….
October 24, 2010
感情 (3) - How strong love is?
For fallin' in love with you
They can take me and lock me away baby
Cuz there's nothing those bars can do
I'll be the rising moon after the setting sun
just to let you know you'll always have someone
I'll be the clear as day when the rain is done
So you'll always know
Through the shake of an earthquake
I will never fall
That's how strong my love is
Like a ship through the storm
we can risk it all
That's how strong my love is
感情 (2) - 放屁的哲学
感情 (1)
June 7, 2010
Living Abroad
Living in an environment which is totally different from your home country will enable you to think and observe things in a way you couldn’t manage while in home country. Not until I went to Poland and had the opportunities to communicate with lots of international friends, I found out that there’re so many stereotypes and overgeneration about Chinese culture. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I was asked “Is it safe to live in China?”, “Are your Chinese eating everything?!”.
It’s fun of talking about culture differences with internationals. Personally I’m willing to introduce Chinese culture to either friends or random people i meet, at the same time I try to be open to different point of views and avoid judging. I guess that’s why I can made friends with many internationals.I used to think I was very open-minded. However, once one of my friends here in US asked me, “Monica, are you a conservative person?” “Of course not!” I replied. Then he asked. “Which standard? You mean compare to Chinese or American?” So I realized that I’m liberal (or maybe crazy) compare to majority Chinese but just average liberal according to my American friends’ standard. Yeah, one thing I like living abroad is that you can gradually explore more to recognize yourself.
In the opposite, one thing I don’t like living abroad is the “Reverse Culture Shock”, which is the difficult and surprising from an affected person when he/she deal with home culture after return from long-term experience living abroad. I had a conversation of this topic before with my friend Nick from Australia. He had been living in Japan for one year before he came to my city in China for internship. Both of us experienced the uncomfortableness and anxiety result from reverse culture shock. After came back from Poland, I badly missed the three-time-cheek-kissing between friends, I badly missed the time I can do crazy things without being judged by other people, I badly wanted to go back to Poland to hang out with old friends.
To some extent, these kind of feeling motivate me to apply for graduate school abroad, and I’m so happy I made it. Now it is summer time, some of my internationals friends already left, some of them are going to graduate soon. It's a season of saying goodbye, full of sadness. No matter where will we be, i guess we will still miss each other as if we are always together.
May 14, 2010
如果条件允许的话希望大家还是去购买正版书籍,支持陶子 :)
April 30, 2010
悲剧的导火线是一双4 inchs(=10.16cm)的高跟鞋。
因为太喜欢这双新鞋子,虽然考虑过穿着它去Sassy Ann's将会是对我双脚的巨大的摧残,但最后感性还是战胜了理性。。。。
于是,我穿着这双让我身高顿时上升为177cm的Heel,在 Sassy门口排队就站了40多分钟。结果进去以后人挤人的我又站不稳,脚不断被动地在崴。。。
我刚买完一杯red head slut准备去找朋友的时候,我前面的一个男人跳舞动作幅度太大了,胳膊肘不小心撞到了我的酒杯,然后整杯红色的酒都泼到了我脸上和白色的衣服上!因为酒 混杂着make up进到了眼睛里面,我没办法睁开眼还不停地流眼泪。撞我的那个男人不停地在旁边说“I'm so sorry! I will buy u a drink!”。。囧。。后来Mladen把我扶到洗手间,我稍微冲了一下眼睛才好多了,可是白色的衣服都被染成了一片片的粉红色。。。。Bahar在旁边安慰我,it's not obvious, and it's dark outside no one will notice that....T_T
在club里面站着腿都快断了,后来好不容易等到大家都要离开了。我跟Adam说我走不动了,然后他就俯下来背我。 走到路中间的时候,他突然开始快速地原地转,我整个人都疯掉了!我跟他说不要闹了结果他转越快。结果我担心的事情还是发生了T_____T: 因为我鞋子太高了,落地的时候把脚给崴了。。。
我跟他说我真的走不动了!他大爷的居然以为我开玩笑,还拉着我在地上拖了好几米。最后我受不 了了甩开他的手瘫坐在地上忍不住哭起来了。Adam他大爷的还以为我在故意闹他,说if u don't stand up, i will just leave u here and won't drive u home!然后就不回头地往前面走了! 就这样在凌晨2点半清冷的街上,我嚎嚎大哭、一发不可收拾。。。后来想想,其实也不是什么值得哭的事情,我也知道他不会就这么撇下我。只是大概是我太久没哭了需要找个渠道发泄,然后这个 timing又来得太perfect了。。。。
大概因为我的哭声太惊人了,两个刚从sassy出来的女孩子跑过来问我怎么了,需不需要帮忙什么的。这时候Adam也跑回来了,一边扶我起来一边说,I'm sorry i thought u would follow me.... 我的怒火立即熊熊燃烧起来,我对他大吼到:I twisted my feet !! How can u treat me like this ?!! 然后他搂着我一直安抚我我才慢慢不哭了。
回去以后,把某个人的facebook彻底地删了。这次我是真的想让这个人彻底从我眼前消失。做完这件事情后,我才意识到,Adam问我why are u so sad tonight的时候,原来真正的答案是这个。
遇到Vlado的时候,他又开始BS我。以前去party的时候,他就一直很BS我买的大黑框眼镜还有假发,一直说they are so ugly, i have no idea why did u waste your money on them. 他是那种爱开玩笑的人,我总的来说也是比较随和的人,他的很多玩笑话都没真的往心里去。
那天不知道是因为脚上4 inch (≈10 cm)的高跟鞋不断摧残双脚的关系,还是因为我心情的确很down....我一直打不起精神,没什么好脸色。Vlado以为我因为他的玩笑话生气了,于是 过来跟我说: Monica, im not judging you or saying you have a bad taste of accessaries. You know what, you are the most beautiful just the way you are. You don't need those stupid glasses or wig to make you beautiful, instead, the should be spontaneous.