May 22, 2008

the girl

I was totally in surprise when she told me, she already made her mind to love the guy. She is a charming girl who can always  get whatever she wants, especially in relationships. Yet he is only an ordinary nice boy. When she told me she had good feeling on him at the beginning, I didn’texpect she would love him, so much.
Definitely, they couldn’t have future together. Their graduation is approaching and one will go abroad, the other will stay in Wuhan. I didn’t say any words to her, cuz I knew she knows the situation much clearer and must have struggled a lot before told me all of these. I just hope she will always be happy. Since she ended last relationship, I never saw her treat a guy so seriously. Now she looks like rather an innocent girl than the experienced cutie. Even though I laugh at her childish behaviors in loves, like writing dailies to record all the details btw them, I have to admit I was deeply moved the moment when I was told that it’s to leave memory for him-as she said it’s the only thing she could do for him.

Now she becomes more independent compare to 8 months ago. There certainly have happened a lot of things when I was not at her side, including sth I know and sth I do not know. Anyway,she paid for her pervious mistakes and is growing up now- at least no longer the child girl in my mind.


May 16, 2008





have donated some money to a Polish organization and they will send it to China!!!



May 4, 2008

ep preparation package for poland@china




monica呕心沥血大作=.=       大家有兴趣可以下载看看。。。。





    077月,开始了在波兰@ Lodz为期半年的MT实习


    085月,终于把Poland EP Preparation Package编写+美工搞定

    每个人都有自己生活的轨迹,没有AIESEC,也许我还是循着预计的路线走下去。我很庆幸在自己20岁的时候呼吸到了新的空气,描绘了新的色彩,感受了不一样的瑰丽文化。 AIESEC带给我的,不仅仅是专业上的提升,更多的是学会对自己负责、认真地思考将来的漫漫人生。


    我在实习之前写过一篇《Monica版波兰签证攻略》,这本package除了针对波兰的签证准备,还有一些出行准备以及波兰生活的tip。部分内容参考了Kelvin的《MENA& Africa SN Preparation Package》,以及我老大Jason Nie的《Japan Program. Series EP Preparation Document》。我希望这本preparation Package能够对CEE的签证和出行有一定帮助吧!


Crystal Dong India& CEE Program Head 08/09@ MOC


EB of Lodz @ Poland


@ers of LC HUST@ MOC!!!!

      不管是以前的@ Wuhan,还是现在的@ HUST,我都永远爱你们!


 HUST rock the house!

AIESEC rock the world!


                                                                                                        Monica Gao

                                                                                                      May 3rd, 2008