May 22, 2008

the girl

I was totally in surprise when she told me, she already made her mind to love the guy. She is a charming girl who can always  get whatever she wants, especially in relationships. Yet he is only an ordinary nice boy. When she told me she had good feeling on him at the beginning, I didn’texpect she would love him, so much.
Definitely, they couldn’t have future together. Their graduation is approaching and one will go abroad, the other will stay in Wuhan. I didn’t say any words to her, cuz I knew she knows the situation much clearer and must have struggled a lot before told me all of these. I just hope she will always be happy. Since she ended last relationship, I never saw her treat a guy so seriously. Now she looks like rather an innocent girl than the experienced cutie. Even though I laugh at her childish behaviors in loves, like writing dailies to record all the details btw them, I have to admit I was deeply moved the moment when I was told that it’s to leave memory for him-as she said it’s the only thing she could do for him.

Now she becomes more independent compare to 8 months ago. There certainly have happened a lot of things when I was not at her side, including sth I know and sth I do not know. Anyway,she paid for her pervious mistakes and is growing up now- at least no longer the child girl in my mind.



  1. l loved a girl so much l\\\'m loving a girl so much but ^

  2. 我没有想到你会把这个写进你的BLOG。一直都以为你是不支持的。因为你嘴上总让我感觉我是一个玩世不恭的女孩。感谢你在心理还是站在我这一边的。但是,已经晚拉。希望我真的在外面这么飘荡的时候,我在乎的你们都可以找到自己的幸福。那么,我也就不会在埋怨老天的不公拉。 因为他知道, 我最在乎的是你们。 甚至大过于自己。

  3. 点点 在上文中提到:我没有想到你会把这个写进你的BLOG。一直都以为你是不支持的。因为你嘴上总让我感觉我是一个玩世不恭的女孩。感谢你在心理还是站在我这一边的。但是,已经晚拉。希望我真的在外面这么飘荡的时候,我在乎的你们都可以找到自己的幸福。那么,我也就不会在埋怨老天的不公拉。 因为他知道, 我最在乎的是你们。 甚至大过于自己。傻瓜,你是个值得拥有幸福的女孩子啊!大家都会幸福的,一定会的!你也是!

  4. wish & best wishes to her~
